April 2024

The weather today was kind, mostly sunny but with a chill breeze. We had a good turnout of 47 members and guests, including six in the unclassified category – Welcome back.
There were an interesting set of targets with some presenting tougher than planned! The big news was in B Class where Chris Clark was overall high gun with an excellent 52 on a tricky layout. Runner-up in B was Aaron Wiggins hitting 46 with a pump action (no, I don’t know why) and third was Gary Evans on 44.
In ‘I can’t believe it’ news, Gary claimed to have hit all of the rabbits. This is of course to be verified once the dope test results are back. All of these were great scores when you compare them to A Class, where Jason Strudwick won with 42, ahead of James Faulkner, Peter Saich, James Horrod and Rick Warrington all on 41.
Elsewhere, Kevin Scarlett scored 45 in AA and Chris Flanders led C Class with 41. Second in C was Graham Winter with 39. Again, great scores when compared to A Class.
We had good assistance in setting up and taking down today so thank you to all those who helped, including Glenn who helped yesterday and could not shoot today, and Philip Spooner who had car trouble this morning and was unable to shoot but still came to help clear up afterwards.
In other good news, we managed to pick up lots of unbroken clays from the Teal and Midi from behind on stands one and two as they landed in the soft meadow. As for the rabbits, some of them are still going!

Don’t forget to put Thursday 30 th May in your diaries for our AGM and prizegiving.

AAScarlett, K45
AStredwick, J42Club
Faulkner, J41
Horrod, J41
Saich, Peter41
Warrington, R41
Park, D40
Willett, A40
Oldland, M32
BClark, C52Ron Maynard
Wiggins, A46
Evans, G44
Foreman, N43
Blackwell, A40
Samuel, C40
Hebburn, N39
Hughes, J37
Hargreaves, I36
Tailby, C32
CFlanders, C41Committee
Winter, G39
Turner, R37
Hulme, S36
Oakford, J35
Parish, I35
Watson, J32
Duncan, C31
Garland, P31
Thackery, M31
Grist, C29
Webb, J29
Hodgkiss, D22
Oakford, O (J)19